BESD 2024 Bond Proposal Information
2024 Bond Survey Results
Click on the link to see the results from the Bond Survey. These responses give information on why the bond did not pass and what is most important to voters.
Why Now:
On August 14, 2024, the BESD Board of Education voted unanimously to place a $220 million bond initiative on the upcoming election ballot for voter consideration.
Our bond election is the result of two years of intense research conducted by a committee that put together estimates of the district's capital and facility needs 5, 10, 15, 20, and 30 years into the future. Your School Board has sought information from outside experts like architects, contractors, bond counsel, and financiers. We also been in constant communication with our building administrators and teachers to help us formulate a plan to meet the needs of our students while providing voters with the most cost effective solutions. We believe in the future of BESD, and have defined four key areas for improvement with the funds provided by our community.
Our Needs:
Decrease Transition Levels
Grade (K-1, 2-5) K-5, 6-7, 8-9, 10-12
Research asserts that moving students between schools has a negative impact on academic gains
Parents must navigate to multiple campuses to drop off/pick up students.
Transportation - Drivers required to stop at multiple campuses on their routes
Safety Concerns
Unreinforced Masonry (Built Prior to 1973) put buildings at risk for earthquakes
North End: North Park (1962) Bear River Middle (1965)
South End: Lake View (1962) Box Elder Middle (1965)
Lack of Air Conditioning in Elementary Schools
Overcrowded Buildings = Loss of Learning Spaces
Removal of computer labs, other activities to make space for classes
Activities like PE, Music, Computer, Art, STEM have moved into classrooms, making it difficult for teachers to adequately prep their lessons
Speech Language Pathologists and Occupational Therapists don't have space to fully deliver services to students
34 Portables, Combined Classrooms, Repurposed Spaces
Update Instructional Programs
Special Education Program Needs
Career and Technical Education - Increase career clusters offerings and pathway opportunities
Our Solutions:
Reconfigure grades: K-5, 6-8, 9-12
Fewer Drop Off Locations for Busing and Families
Follow Utah Core Grade Bands
All graduation courses held at one location
Repurpose Current Intermediate Schools
Lake View and North Park Elementary
New Construction
New 6-8th grade middle schools on both the North and South Ends
Add 9th grade instructional spaces at both High Schools
Update CTE and core classrooms at both High Schools
Install air conditioning in Elementary Schools without AC.